Search Postcode
Enter the postcode of the property you are looking for and press enter.
This will bring up a list of all the addresses relating to the postcode entered.
Addresses that a greyed out with a ✓ are properties already on your Propeller. Addresses that is blue with a * are properties that are not on your Propeller.
If an address does not appear in the search, it may be a new address and not currently be listed on any postcode searches. You will need to enter the address manually.
Clicking on an existing address will take you to its property page. Clicking on a new address you will be taken to the property details page.
Manual Address Entry
If your required address does not appear in the postcode search you can manually enter the details.
To do this click on “Enter Manually”.
Fill in the fields for the address (Street 1, Town, and Postcode are all required fields)
Click save and you will be taken to the property details page
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